Atomic Design: From the Cosmos to Your Computer
Speaker: Kirsten Trued, UX/UI Designer, HowICan Member
Date: Thursday, July 22
Time: 9 pm CEST. Please view your local time on the events page below.
LinkedIn: Connect with Kirsten
What is the talk about?
The principle of Atomic Design is not new. From Earth's place in the Universe to each cell in our own bodies, everything is made up of building blocks. Our speaker, Kirsten Trued will first discuss the high-level idea of parts making up a whole, with an emphasis on anatomy, and progress towards the philosophy behind why we break things down for understanding and how we, as parts of the whole, cannot see the bigger picture, even in design.
Who is Kirsten Trued?
Kirsten is a New York based UX Designer with a passion for culture, science, and educating others. She is a member of HowICan Cohort 5.
She has extensive experience in Wellness and E-Commerce and enjoys both of these industries. She loves business ideation, wandering museums, and drinking wine (preferably all at once).
If you are looking to improve your public speaking skills, you are welcome to sign up to present a talk.
We organize these events so our cohort members, mentors, and community members (you) can have a chance to share knowledge, enhance public speaking skills, and improve the chances of getting hired.
Thanks for reading till the end and hope to see you there!